Well, well... Two reviews in one day? Yeah, I was getting behind. But to be fair, it's very hard to have a career and be in grad school and make time for reading/blogging. I'm totally making it happen though. 😜 Our next book up for review is Ready Player One which I finished on Saturday during the drive back from OKC. I figured I would fly through the second half of the book and be done waaaaay before that, but that's not what happened. Read my review below to find out why. Click to read the full synopsis on Goodreads! 1. Characters: Now this, I loved. Wade aka Parzival, was a great protagonist. He was clever, funny, charming, awkward and fun. His side-kicks, Aech and Art3mis, were well-developed and even held a few surprises! One very unique facet of this novel is that there are no familial relationships really. Much of the story takes place in a virtual world, so there is little interaction with "real people," including family members. 2. Setting: H...
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