Oh. My. Venda. If you aren't reading the Remnant Chronicles, then what on earth are you reading?? This is absolutely incredible. After you oogle over this gorgeous cover, read my non-spoiler review below. Click to visit the Remnant Chronicles page on Goodreads! 1. Characters: New faces appear on the scene in this second installment, and I don't even have words to... I can't even type right now. I love everyone. The love interest is spectacular. I adore the main character, Lia. The villain is well-crafted and complex (but also simple?). The new side characters have incredible development. I absolutely love these characters. 2. Story: I've already said "I love" too many times in this review already, but I love everything here. In addition to the characters, the story continues to drive at a perfect pace. Slow enough to develop new characters and offer background info when necessary, but quick enough to keep things happening so that you're always t...
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