Finally! It feels like it's been forever since I finished a book! It hasn't been that long really, but for me nearly a month seems like an eternity. My latest read, and perhaps my last full finish of 2017, is The Forgetting by Sharon Cameron. I have to say, I bought this book for two reasons. The first was, well, look at that cover! The second was that it came recommended by a lovely worker at Barnes and Noble in Tulsa, and after reading the inside sleeve I was intrigued. Sure, it gives off the dystopian vibe which, I admit, is getting extremely played out by this point, but it sounded just different enough to hook me. So, without further ado, let's review! (Haha, I totally didn't mean for that to rhyme, but I like that it did.) Click the cover to read the full synopsis on Goodreads! 1. Characters: To be honest, I didn't feel any extremely strong feelings about any of the characters, but I did like them as a general rule. I would not say this is a charac...
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